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Posted on September 22, 2003 at 13:53:37
Toby Belle

I dunno, I was shakey and nervous when i took this photo of General Clark.


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Re: critiique.......Good PJ shot, excellent lighting BTW, posted on September 22, 2003 at 16:26:54
Joe M

Posts: 11980
Joined: September 27, 2001

Are you studying for a pj career or are you a pro?

I'm a working photojournalist, and have posted some pix. Click on the A next to my name and go to my gallery.

BTW don't get nervous ! It helps to keep thinking that they put their pants on one leg at a time same as you and I, haha... I get into my "craft mode" in those situations.Trying to remember my lens settings and choices etc.

Oh! and if those politicians in front of my lens just happen to be Republicans, I look for a decisive moment to run my motor drive (like picking their nose).


Re: critiique.......Good PJ shot, excellent lighting BTW, posted on September 22, 2003 at 17:37:20
t oby

Hey,thanks! It's been ages since I went to an event like that.
Excellent shot of BC,Joe!
Whaddya think...Clark/Clinton or Clark/Graham?
Sorry 'bout the politics,folks. :)
Moderate Repubs are OK, it's the 'wingers that scare me.


Re: critiique.......Good PJ shot, excellent lighting BTW, posted on September 23, 2003 at 03:25:41
Joe M

I think both Clark and my senator Graham ,are best potential Veep slots for Dean.

Who needs FL and a military credential.

Speaking as a former newsphoto editor, next time you get close to the action. Call your local weekly community newspaper, to offer to sell. They often look for those filler pieces.


Re: critiique.......Good PJ shot, excellent lighting BTW, posted on September 23, 2003 at 04:57:53
T. Belle

DId you edit a Weekly, or a Daily newspaper?
Thanks for the advice, but most of my pics come out blurry these days.
I did do some work for some Dailys and some mags but those days are long gone. You yourself should work for a publication. Your work (and other folks work here) is excellent!
Thanks again for the feedback.


Great shot Toby, posted on September 27, 2003 at 20:33:17

Posts: 3356
Joined: October 13, 1999
It has campaign written all over it. Has to be one of the best shots of a politician around normal people that I've seen. All the hands at the ready for shaking, the flash of the photo journalist, you have captured the essence of the campaign trail. Very well done.

regards rod


Re: critiique, posted on October 4, 2003 at 23:00:43
Well you asked for it. The foreground is a mess and should be cropped out. The focus of the shot is the man in the light leaning over and the whole shot should be about him. You cant see the person he is shaking hands with and that is bad. There are a lot of peoples backs in the shot and that is also a worry. The light from the video camera should be cropped out as it is very distracting. I do not know any of the people in the shot so I am only interested in the image. This is not a good photograph....I teach this stuff and I am being honest with you.


Glad you didn't teach me................(nt), posted on October 5, 2003 at 05:03:49

Posts: 3356
Joined: October 13, 1999

regards rod


Beg to differ with your teaching- as a news photo editor, posted on October 5, 2003 at 21:24:28
Joe M

Posts: 11980
Joined: September 27, 2001
if this photo came across my desk, I would use it as is! It shows the political exuberance that is part of a campaign appearance.

Often, there are times when deadlines have to be met. If no other shot of this event comes to my attention, this goes to print. NEWS SHOTS are not necessarily works of art! Due to the quick nature of the action ,that has to be caught in a limited amount of time.

I do however, teach much of what you have mentioned. And would agree on what would improve this pic. But for it's newsworthy value that would delude the life out of Toby's photo.
The whole bottom shows people at a table , clapping hands or reaching to touch their candidate.

That is our setting. A story without words. The TV cameraman's video light shows that it is a live news moment. The outreaching hands show implied action, no faces needed! Point of interest is definitely the highlighted subject, contrasting the darker subordinate figures.

Could composition an placement improve this? Certainly! Point is - IT WORKS!!!


Hear hear Joe....................... You can teach me if ya want...............(nt), posted on October 6, 2003 at 03:56:26

Posts: 3356
Joined: October 13, 1999

regards rod


OK, but remember no drinking in class.......unless you bring the XXXX, posted on October 6, 2003 at 07:03:28
Joe M

Posts: 11980
Joined: September 27, 2001
We can get ,Fosters over here....

I know it has been said but... RULES are to be broken. Don't be so rigid, Know when to break them.

Photography is an art form not an exact science. A picture i.e. works or it doesn't.
However one should get the basics right, with a thorough working knowledge of Composition, harmony , color etc. One way to learn this is viewing thousands of pics from the past masters and/or brilliant contemporaries.

Class dismissed!


Re: Beg to differ with your teaching- as a news photo editor, posted on October 6, 2003 at 15:00:06

Posts: 314
Joined: October 7, 2001
Yes I understand your point of view, I work in colour mags and not in news, but this pic is still too untidy for my eye. But it is good to read your opinion thanks.


Re: OK, but remember no drinking in class.......unless you bring the XXXX, posted on October 6, 2003 at 15:07:39

Posts: 314
Joined: October 7, 2001
XXXX would not help much.
I am big on composition.
Past masters, present masters all get the basics right in their own ways.


That is hilarious! nt, posted on December 18, 2003 at 17:43:05

Posts: 2
Location: Northeast
Joined: October 8, 2003


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