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Need FTP/Bittorrent Help!

Posted on January 25, 2005 at 07:36:23

I'm hoping that someone here can help me out with this...

A friend and I are sharing files with each other. We've both downloaded and installed the Xerver FTP server. It's working fine, but there is one annoying catch: I can only d/l two files at a time and I do not have the option of d/l'ing an entire folder at once.

Is there any way that we can send each other BT tracker files and share that way? We are both using Azureus. We've tried it, but we get connection errors and can't d/l anything. I'm thinking that there is some setting in Azureus that I'm missing. When I create a torrent, I use my Xerver IP address/port info in the "Announce URL" box.

If BT does not work, the only option seems to be ZIP or RAR folders. However, if one of our servers goes down, we have no way to resume downloads. It's all or nothing.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Need FTP/Bittorrent Help!, posted on April 21, 2005 at 06:29:42

Posts: 4576
Location: VT
Joined: February 21, 2001
Zips/RARs are typically better than not, because they are compressed.

Not reliable, but I use IE to d/l a big file, and when it loses the connection I go to d/l it again, and it will continue where it left off. (v6) That would mean a working web server.

Troubleshoot the connection problem with BTs. I'd say make that your goal, since that's the most reliable way after you get it figured out.



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