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Moscato di Asti?

Posted on August 7, 2018 at 13:29:23

Posts: 7450
Location: Long Beach, California
Joined: January 5, 2001
My wife likes sweet white wines, particularly Late Harvest Riesling and Moscato.... Not the heavily syrupy type though. She tasted one up in Paso Robles (Pear Valley?) recently that she liked pretty well..Any recommendations?


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Definitely try German wines, posted on August 8, 2018 at 08:42:11

Posts: 3078
Location: Texas
Joined: May 31, 2004
Kabinett and Spatlese to begin. Kabinett Halbtroken or Spatlese Halbtroken if she wants off-dry. Mosel (green bottle) with be lighter, Rheingau (brown bottle) will be a bit heavier and more earthy. Piesporter Goldtropfchen (Mosel) should be readily available. Look for Schloss Vollrads if you want to try a Rheingau.


Reisling and Muscato..., posted on August 10, 2018 at 11:31:33

Posts: 38130
Location: SF Bay Area
Joined: April 22, 2003
...check the list in blue on the left.



Spell check , posted on August 17, 2018 at 18:45:50

Posts: 3078
Location: Texas
Joined: May 31, 2004

Second vowel in German.


RE: Moscato di Asti?, posted on August 22, 2018 at 08:54:42

Posts: 808
Location: Walla Walla Washington
Joined: September 4, 2001
This Muscat was one of the highlights from my Italy trip. Amazing nose and completely dry. It smelled just like muscat grapes taste (which is awesome)
I think its available in the US.

Also don't discount the french wines from Alsace. Rieslings and Pinot Blanc and Gewertz.


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