Wine Asylum

I can't speak for all...

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...of the guys in the wine tasting group, but even though we are close, most of us only go the wine country a couple of times a year, for a get-away weekend or when people visit.

And when I go to Napa or Sonoma, I don't buy very much wine there - probably just a few bottles of stuff that you can't get elsewhere.

The monthly wine tastings are about current releases that are still available, not cellar gems which are unobtainable, so some of the guys shop around before the tastings.

I go to Costco every 3 to 4 weeks for my business so I buy a lot of my wine there - probably half of it. The wine buyer there is very good as are the prices.

One of the guys in the group has befriended the local Trader Joe's wine buyer. Another has a vacation home in Lake County and buys some of his wine there.

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