Wine Asylum

Interesting article on zinfandel...

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From the LA Times:

"When is a Zin not a Zin?

For a wine to be called Zinfandel or any other varietal name, it must contain at least 75% wine from that grape. Historic vineyards that planted Zin with a mix of other grapes for balance can’t use the varietal on their labels.

Zinfandel is often called California's indigenous wine, but its story is not that simple. Some of the best Zinfandel-based wines from the state's best and most historic vineyards can't use the grape name on their labels.

In these bottles, Zinfandel leads a supporting cast of grapes in a traditional blend that is now outright discouraged — both by federal law and a skeptical market.

Those who love these wines say that while Zinfandel may be the star of these vineyards, it's even better with a supporting cast. "Zinfandel's like Beyoncé: She's beautiful, she's talented, but the women dancing behind her, they're not bad either," says JC Cellars winemaker Jeff Cohn."

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