Shutterbug Strasse

Whatever model you choose, I'd be sure it has image stabilization.

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I like the Canon Powershot series myself, for several reasons-they have an optical viewfinder so you're not limited to the LCD display to compose your photo, and they use AA batteries instead of proprietary cells (read, expensive, and impossible to find at a far away minimart.) Plus, the case design uses the AA battery shape to form a 'grip'. And the photos are great.

If you opt for a model with the swivel display, you'll be amazed at how handy it is.

There's a review at the link of one of (many) Powershot models. And btw, that site has-by far-the best digital camera reviews of any I've seen: they test all camera modes, show the results, and use the same methodology for each test. No affiliation, I just like the linear, diligent, and consistent approach.


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